So imagine my delight when Andrew, our seasonal gardener at the Museum came in on Friday to tell me he had found a bat out on the Museum grounds. I grabbed my camera and hurried outside. And there he was snoozing quietly in the bushes, occasionally opening an eye to make sure we weren't getting too close.
A beautiful Eastern Red Bat Lasiurus borealis, just trying to get some peace and quiet after a busy night of eating bugs. Unlike many other species, the Red Bat is often found roosting alone and he had found the perfect little spot to hang out, until we came along to disturb his peace! We kept a respectful distance (yes I used full zoom), took a few photos and then left him to his sleep.
During September and October this species uses the storms that blow around the shores of Lake Michigan to hitch a ride further south as they journey to find warmer areas to spend their winter. And, coincidence or not, we had had a violent thunder storm the night before our little furry visitor was spotted.
Photo Credits - CJT