Harrison seems to be by far the most popular character that I have blogged about, so here he is again. One of the things I try to do, where possible, is provide the animals in my care with a little enrichment and for the Box Turtles this involves walks in the park.

When the weather is nice and sunny, not too hot and not too cold I carry one of them outside and let them wander around for a while. Today was perfect so it was Harrison's turn.

He seems to really enjoy the change of scene, he actually moves surprisingly fast too! I usually start him off in a spot that is on the edge of shade so he has a choice of sun or shade, he normally heads very determinedly out into the full sun and snuffles around in the grass.

Today, of course, was different because as soon as he saw I had a camera, the posing began. If you have read my previous posting about Harrison you will remember that he cannot resist posing when there is a camera around!

Here he is setting off across the park (above) he has been known on previous excursions to face down squirrels and Canada geese! Nothing like that today, just a rather startled sparrow that didn't quite know what to make of this moving rock!

Trees are usually a great source of exploration and this one is a particular favorite because it has an almost turtle sized hollow in it.

After having thoroughly checked it out, it was back to posing for the camera again! We spent over forty-five minutes outside but when it was time to come back in he went trundling off across the grass again. As usual when we did come back inside he took a quick bathe and now is relaxing on top of his log.

I guess he doesn't have such a bad life!
Photo Credits - CJT
I love the photos of him..I know, I am going way back in your posts, but they are so much fun...
Thanks for spending the time Michelle, it is always hard when you first start blogging as it is just family and friends who read and they often don't leave feedback. I really appreciate your comments :)
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