Thursday, September 4, 2008


After many days of clear blue skies and sunshine, the remnants of Hurricane Gustaf has finally arrived. Yesterday morning I woke to this beautiful pattern of clouds obscuring the rising sun.Eventually the sun did manage to peep out through a crack in the clouds for a few minutes. Now, of course we have torrential rain! Oh well, we needed it, the ground was very dry.

Photo Credits - CJT


Mayet said...

that's gorgeous sky to look at!

Anonymous said...

Oh, man - that's beautiful~ I love cloud watching. Excellent shots.

Jane Hards Photography said...

These are like delicate watercolours painted across the sky.

Larry D said...

Excellent photos!

Doug Taron said...

Nce. Mine is of Gustav after it had moved in a bit more firmly.

Anonymous said...

These are pretty sky photos, with nice soft glowing color.

magiceye said...


Anonymous said...

Very pretty sky dear...Nice entry.

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Marvelous post!
The sun is hidden but we fell its presence!!
Marvelous, well done!!


PS>Hope to see you in TODAY'S FLOWERS, next Monday.

Louise said...

What a beautiful morning sunrise! It's nice to start days off well.

Celeste said...

mayet - thanks, I actually spent too long looking at it and almost made myself late for work!

reluctantfarmchik - From what I can see from your blog, you are perfectly positioned for cloud watching. Thanks for dropping by.

babooshka - The tones were very soft and muted, it was hard to really capture them successfully.

larry d - thanks, glad you liked them.

Celeste said...

doug taron - Thanks, yes your post was rather more ferocious than mine :)

sherri - Thank you, thanks for dropping by.

magiceye - Thanks :)

genny/entry here - Thanks for your positive feedback and for visiting my site.

Celeste said...

luiz santilli jr - Yes the sun was definitely close by. I will try to get a good flower shot for todays flowers.

louise - It was indeed the perfect way to start the day :)

Joyce's Journey said...

So many things to see in the clouds, so many beautiful colors. All wonderful shots that you captured. Happy SWF and a great weekend to you!!

vincibene said...

Gorgeous sky!

Celeste said...

joyce - thanks for dropping by. I love watching clouds, it is a constantly changing picture. Have a great weekend :)

vincibene -thanks! Glad you joined skywatch, loved your pictures.