Friday, March 11, 2011


I have a real soft spot for cactii and succulents. One of the advantages of our apartment is that it faces south so all through the summer it provides ideal conditions for growing these spiny characters. I have also noticed that certain species will only flower after they have gotten really cold during the winter.

My stone plants flower frequently and the flowers follow the direction of the sun.

But this little guy has sat quietly in the corner of my window for years now. Then a couple of weeks ago I noticed some little yellow dots on one of the limbs and after another week they burst forth into bright blooms.

In case you are overwhelmed by the magnificence of this floriferousness I have put a dime on one of the branches of this cactus to give you an idea of scale!

Good things come in (very) small packages :)

Photo Credits - CJT


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Yes, indeed. And thanks to macro we get to enjoy all the little details up close :)

That stone plant is so unusual and lovely.


Kathie Brown said...

Wow, that is very small!