That was until today! I knew the Violaceous euphonias had been feeding some chicks in a nest but when I went to check them this morning the nest was empty. Then I saw not one fledgling,
not two fledglings,
not three fledglings,
but four fledglings!
Now I realise these are not the greatest photos ever but I really didn't want to get too close to the fledglings and stress them or the parents so you will have to take my word for it that the obscure little green blobs in these pictures are actually baby birds!
It is a very difficult task for the parents to raise four chicks to maturity so I must not get too attached to them at this stage but it was a lovely surprise to see them all.
Photo Credits - CJT
Such wonderful news. They are so fluffy as fledglings with such pretty color.
I hope they ALL make it somehow. :)
What fun! Here's hoping they all make it. Baby birds are such a wonder.
Wonderful wonderful babies! So sweet!
Oh congrats..I remember when you introduced them. I hope they make it, but I understand about not getting too attached too early...
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